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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CPR and Choking Emergencies

Scenarios1: In the infant room at a day care center a six months little girls was asleep in her crib and her teacher notice that she was not breathing so she tap the bottom of the infant feet to see if she would respond but she did not respond. So she shout out for help and the teacher took the infant out of the crib and place the baby on the floor to perform CPR on her. After placing the infant on a flat surface she carefully hold the forehead of the infant with a gentle pressure to keep her airway open. Then she use her two fingers, compress her chest 30 times with a 1/3 to ½ depth of the chest at the rate of 100 compressions per minute, then blow two breaths she still was not breathing. The director of the center call 911 and the infant parent to meet them at the hospital and the teacher continue to do 30 compressions breathe into infant’s mouth and nose for 1 second two times, enough for the chest to rise. Finely the infant starting breathing and the ambulance came and took her to the hospital to be check out.

Scenarios 2: It was lunch time in the toddlers classroom went a toddler was eating his lunch and all of a sudden he start making funny noises and holding his throat. So the teacher rush to him and she realize that he was choking, she told him to but he could not do it so she told her aim to get the director to come. The director support one arm diagonally across his chest and lean him forward. Then she firmly strike him between the shoulder blade with the heel of her other hand by give 5 back blow. The object was still was blocking his airway so she wrap her arm around his waist making a fist with her hand and place her tomb side against the middle of his abdomen , just about the navel and well below the lower tip of the breastbone. Then she grab her fist with her other hand and give five quick separate thrusts into abdomen. Still his air way was still block so she continue to place him on his back placing the heel of her hand on his sternum at the center of his chest and placing her other hand directly on top of her first hand and interlacing them. Doing 30 compressions pushing his, sternum down a third to half the depth of his chest and she wait for his sternum to return to its normal position and she did the compressions again. Then open his mouth and looked and the food was in his mouth and she just remove it with her fingers and he was able to breathe again, parent was notify and child was accompanied to the hospital to make sure he was ok.

Advance Planning in a childcare center for emergencies is very important it may not prevent emergencies but it can help the people involve, to be more prepare for went it happens. Teacher should be training in CPA, First Aid and made aware of the policies and emergencies response to medical emergencies, Natural disasters, Fire/smoke emergencies, Bomb threat, Missing child, and Potential violent situation that could accrue. These training should be done often so that staff can be more formal with the procedures so that at that time they can handle the emergencies.

The director of the childcare center should make sure to check all emergency supplies on a monthly basis, have regular fire drills and evacuation practices. Make sure that all emergency exit are mark, notify families of the evacuation procedures you have planned and prepare a list of family phone numbers including cell phone numbers, so the families can be notified when a large-scale emergency exists. Keep these numbers current by checking them three or four times a year, you can also designate one person to be a team leader who can be helpers to the teachers in the classroom because in an emergency they will need all the help they can get.


American Red Cross: Prepare for Emergencies with American Red Cross First Aid, CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Courses

American Heart Association: CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care

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